Monday, December 15, 2008

Grateful to Be Here

It's been months since I've posted to this blog. My life is very full again, in good ways, and it's been all too easy to put off an update post until "later." "Later" has turned into "months after later." I've recently had a reminder that a long time without a post on a blog about someone who received a terminal diagnosis could raise an anxious question in the minds of readers. So this is a brief post to simply let you know, I'm very happily still here! I am well, in fact very well, and all indications continue to show that my brain cancer is gone. I'm doing so well that the doctors have extended the time between routine check-up MRIs to three months, with the promise to extend them even further soon.

Thank you all for helping us "keep the high watch" with your positive thoughts, prayers, and support. We truly are all in this together, and when any one of us heals, it contributes to the healing field that helps heal us all.

In Deep Gratitude & Love,

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